Tuesday 4 February 2014

Professional Behavior

 It is important to respect the staff you work in in whatever job industry including Media. And also you have to respect your bosses even if you are unhappy with the situation with your job, and the audience you work with.

This is one of the main responsibilities that you have at work.You are being paid for doing work for a certain amount of time, if you aren't there for that length of time, then you aren't living up to the obligations that you agreed to by taking the job in the first place. Being on time for work shows you are willing to put in a full day's work. It demonstrates a commitment to your job and your employer. Employees who are repeatedly late to work may be viewed as workers who aren't fully engaged or who don't have the motivation to be punctual. Motivation is a key element in deciding which employees should be recognized for promotional opportunities and positions with higher-level responsibilities.

Communication Skills
This is a main responsibility that every worker has to take and also how you listen and speak to people. Professionally, if you are applying for jobs or looking for a promotion with your current employer, you will almost certainly need to demonstrate good communication skills. For example, the ability to: speak appropriately with a wide variety of people whilst maintaining good eye contact, demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience, listen effectively, present your ideas appropriately, write clearly and concisely and work well in a group all require good communication skills.

Social Skills- 
Social Skills is very important at work as you need confidence to communicate and bring forth new ideas that will stimulate group discussions.Inquisitiveness, or the ability to ask the right questions that will allow you to intermingle easily with others in collaborative situations.Influence in order to ask those who oppose your suggestions to at least reconsider their adamant positions. Respectfulness in order to demonstrate to others that you are flexible enough to explore the possibilities they are trying to share.

Appropriate Presentation- 
This is very important in workplace because the way you dress in a interview or in a workplace determines on who you are. It also gives the interviewer a first impression on yourself. If you are dressed smart you will get a good impression of yourself and if you aren't dressed smart the interviewer might not take you on because it only takes a few seconds for the interviewer  

Time management
Time management in jobs is very important because By controlling your time you can cut out non-essential activities and achieve more, thus enhancing your career and getting more out of life.
It can also make your job more enjoyable and rewarding, as time management teaches you to be more productive and to say no to impossible workloads.

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