Friday 6 December 2013

Building an Audience
My first choice is to upload my web series on YouTube because this distribution platform is used by billions of people around the world.  Also YouTube is very popular for advertising as it has a lot of successful careers.

Social Networking 
 I am going to use publish my websites on BEBO and Myspace and tweet some of my friends who follow footballers and the BPL who like football. My second option is to publish my web series in facebook because a lot of people use facebook.

Crowd funding
 Crown funding is a way of getting your audience when going on a kick starter. You can let people know what film you are going to make there fore people can donate towards your film if they obviously like the sound of it and would want it created. When creating a film you need to set a budget, you only have a certain amount of time to reach that budget and if you don't reach your budget in time you don't get the money

 To get a big audience through the press I would publish my web series in Sport magazines because these magazines are all about football and the leagues and about foott players (transfers ). This will be ideal as  it fits perfectly into what my web series is about 

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