Thursday 21 November 2013

The programme i used was called istopmotion3 shich is an animated programme used for stop motion images. This programme is easy to use because every time you take a photo of the image it leaves a shadow of the image which is called onion skin and it helps you create the clip as it shows you where the last picture is so you can place your figure back in the place.

This is my animation so far


Tuesday 19 November 2013

Legal constraints in the creative media sectors
 The libal law is a law in which you can be You can be sued for damages if you publish or broadcast things about a person which are untrue and damage their reputation (defame them) The law was created to protect individuals or organisations from unwarranted, mistaken or untruthful attacks on their reputation. A example would be that a US federal judge in Los Angeles has dismissed David Beckham's claim for libel and slander against a celebrity magazine that alleged he slept with a prostitute.
The act of publication obscene defination is content that is "likely to deprave and corrupt" the audience for which it is intended. Lawyers may need to check whether a production breaks this law before it is released. Content such as sexually explicit, violent and/or drug taking is reviewed for suitability. Decisions are made dependent on factors such as age range of the audience, the time a production is broadcast. An example for this law would be The Human Centipede. The BBFC described the central plot of the film as the "sexual arousal of the central character at both the idea and the spectacle of the total degradation, humiliation, mutilation, torture and murder of his naked victim
The official Secret Act Law is a law which is a criminal offence to obtain or publish any information from a serving or former member of the security and intelligence services or from certain categories of civil servants or public contractors where that disclosure would be damaging. An example of this law would be that Daniel Houghton, who worked for MI6 between September 2007 and last May, was arrested in a Scotland Yard sting at a central London hotel in March after offering to sell documents to Dutch intelligence agents for £2m.
The Copyright Law exists to protect people's creative endeavours so that they can properly benefit from their work. If such protection didn't exist and people were able to copy or sell or profit from another's work, there would be little incentive for people to create in the first place. Programme-makers are responsible for ensuring that all necessary clearances (copyright, trademarks etc.) have been obtained for their programmes. An example of Copyright Law would be a hotographer, Robert Caplin is suing Perez Hilton for copyright infringement after the gossip blogger used photos taken by Mr. Caplin of Glee actor Darren Criss on his site without permission, according to a complaint filed in Los Angeles Federal Court.
The Privacy Law defination would be that if a media If a media company publishes information about someone which is information that should be considered private, that is to say, information in respect of which you had a ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’, and then legal action for misuse of private information can be brought under the Human Rights Act 1998. An example of Privacy Law is that staff at a recruitment agency which the News of the World mistakenly believed Milly Dowler was working for received calls from a woman claiming to be the missing schoolgirl's mother, the Old Bailey jury in the phone-hacking trial heard on Wednesday